Ryan Sawchuk


Ryan Sawchuk - CEO & Founder

Ryan Sawchuk, the innovative Founder of ReUp Companies, has dedicated his career to creating winning situations in the ProTech and real estate sectors. His journey before ReUp includes pivotal roles such as leading North American Sales at Tessian, a Sequoia-backed cybersecurity firm, and heading Global Sales Development at CrowdStrike (CRWD), where his leadership contributed to the company's rapid growth, making it the fastest to reach a billion dollars in revenue at the time. His strategic prowess was also instrumental at Zuora (ZUO), where he led Global Campaigns, harmonizing sales and marketing messages to facilitate the company's public exit. Ryan's academic achievements include a Master of Science in Finance from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Rollins College, where he graduated Cum Laude. An inventor at heart, Ryan has a patent pending under application number 17989876. At ReUp, Ryan's vision of empowering individuals to outsmart the housing market through innovative solutions continues to drive the company's mission, making significant impacts in the real estate landscape..


Fun Fact!

Ryan and his wife share a love for German automobiles, particularly the customization and modding of Porsche vehicles. Their current endeavor involves a Safari conversion of their Porsche 996 Turbo. This project goes beyond aesthetics, aiming to equip the car for the challenges of off-road terrain while maintaining its sophisticated engineering integrity.


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